Wednesday 22 December 2021

My Song

 Hi! today I made a song on chrome music lab. If you already watched the video you will notice it is a very continuous song, and if you haven't watch away! 

If you are wondering and pondering why I did this, here's why! I have signed up to a website called the Summer Learning Journey. The Summer want you to do more blog posts. Also if you are pondering about what I like about this song, it's definitely the repeating pattern!


Sorry if the song didn't play the music, because recording a sound with a chrome and playing music on the chrome, normally the chrome doesn't pick up the sound it was playing. But you can copy the beat if you want to. Just use the link I gave you.

Monday 13 December 2021


 I have made a video on a website called scratch. Scratch is a website were you can code basically ANYTHING. I did scratch because my teacher told me that I have to create a maze to solve and get out of. I am proud that my maze is slightly complex. 

2021-2022 Summer learning Journey

 Today I am talking about the Summer Learning Journey. I have not done much, only cross words and and blob opera, and I have not finished cross words. I did cross words because I wanted to check it out. and I did blob opera because a friend recommended it to me. I was proud that I got to level three for cross words.

Blob Opera

Friday 27 August 2021


 I think you all know we are in lock down. Its boring. Well today I will tell you about my week. This week I have done a lot of google meets. Google meets are like face time, but you can have more people in it. You can also present your screen. That is basically what I did.

Friday 6 August 2021

The Olympic Games

 A few days ago I made an Olympic medal with Tinkercad. The medal had a diamond in it. On the diamond it had the Olympic rings. Above the rings it had a 1. Under the rings it had the word of the country were I live, New Zealand. Then a showed it to my teacher. My teacher said that I had to have something on the back of the medal. I don't know what, but I know one thing it has to have. The roman date. This is what it will be: Games Of the New Zealand Olympiad MMXXXVI. Do you know Roman numerals? do you know the other thing I need on the back? 

Roman numerals: 1: I    2: II    3: III    4: IV    5: V    6: VI    7: VII    8: VIII    9: IX    10: X

50: L    100: C    1000: M

Friday 30 July 2021

How Much Water?

 Yesterday I learnt how much water there is on earth, because it was one of our water of life questions. On earth, if there was only one litre of water, the only water we'd be able to drink is about a drop. That's a one three thousandths  of 1000! The other water is either to far under ground, salt water or is frozen. Or in the pipes and sewers. Think about only one litre of water on earth! How would you cope?

Friday 9 July 2021

School Term Two

This term Mrs Hickford taught us about lots of thing's. I am going to tell you ten of them. First was our star for the towns Matariki festival. We had to use house paint, which does not come off. I think it turned out good. 
Our class also did was a Kahoot which is a quiz app that teaches you hard riddles. There are also different categories that you can choose from. I think they are quite good. 

Mr Abbott taught us about animated GIFs. An animated GIF is a very short video with a changed background. It is very cool because you can change the background.  We also worked on Google music lab. Google music lab is a site were you can create music. You can change the type of music as well. It is very easy to make music. 

Because it was Matariki, we got to do art, make flax boat baskets and play games. For maths there was tidy numbers. Tidy numbers are basically rounding to the nearest ten. I didn't really need tidy number's, because I all ready knew how to round to the nearest ten. Another thing we did was spelling. For spelling I am doing contraction's and plural's this term. I think they are really good for me. Then there was Milo Morning Tea. Milo Morning Tea is when we have done something really good and you get to go to the staff room and drink Milo and talk about what we did in the weekend. I really like Milo morning tea. 

Our writing this term was persuasive writing. Persuasive writing is writing to persuade someone. I thought it was hard. Lastly, Sculpt GL. Sculpt GL is an app were you can sculpture a ball. Sculpt GL is my favourite one on this list.

Did you like our term?